Spelling of Cladeck? Claddek?, a European dance technique of the 1950s

by Anonymous
(No location given)

How do you spell Cladeck? Claddek? This was a contemporary technique used in central Europe in the 1950s.

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Feb 20, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear visitor,

I do not know a European dance technique called like that. I've been searching and thinking about it and the only thing I get to relate with that name is the 'claquettes'.

'Claquettes' is a word in French that is related to the tap dance technique. It was indeed very popular in the 1950s, but even though it was practiced in Europe, its home was the United States of America.

The claquettes' dance uses the sound of the tap of the shoes, hitting the floor as a percussive instrument. It is related to the culture of Afro-American jazz and Broadway.

Fred Astaire, a famous American dancer and actor, made tap dance and the claquettes' technique very famous because he incorporated it into films. You can have a glimpse of his work here:

I hope this answers your question. Still, if I ever hear of something else that might fit your question better, I will post it here in a new entry.

Warm regards,


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