Recommendations of Schools / Suggestions about Studying for Choreography with a Non-dance Degree in Hands

by Stella Tsui
(Hong Kong)

Dear Maria,

This year I will be 23 years old and I just got my Cultural Studies degree. I really hope to study choreography but I am not sure if I should do a master or do another undergraduate dance program in contemporary dance / choreography? Plus, I seem a bit old for most dance programs? Do you know if there are schools either in the US or in Europe that are willing to intake older students as well?

Or you have some other suggestions for me?

Thank you so much for answering my questions! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Comments for Recommendations of Schools / Suggestions about Studying for Choreography with a Non-dance Degree in Hands

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Jun 21, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Stella,

If you wish to have more practical experience as a dancer (which is the ideal for a choreographer as well), you should better look for an undergraduate program in contemporary dance. It is true that entering official or public schools at your age is difficult. But you will always have the option of taking classes with great teachers, outside the frame of an academic program. You will find those in alternative choreographic centers, studios or companies, in almost every important city in Europe or the U.S. (Brussels, Barcelona, Paris and New York highly recommended).

Seem that you have a cultural studies degree, I think you could be admitted at official schools just to study choreography, whether it is for a conventional master degree or another type of high degree program. In this case, consider that this type of studies usually include an important amount of theoretical work.

If you’re planning to move abroad for any of the cases, I would recommend you to visit the websites of the following places and analyze their offers. I’m sure there’s something related you could study there at your age. But I have to leave it up to you to find out if you can afford those things financially.

Here’s the list:

- P.A.R.T.S. (Belgium)

- David Zambrano (Holland)

- The Place (U.K.)

- Folkwang Universität der Künste (Germany)

- The Juilliard School (U.S.A.)

- Conservatori Superior de Dansa (CSD). Institut del Teatre. (Spain)

- Trisha Brown Dance Company (U.S.A.)

The last thing I would tell you is that you should not worry about your age. If you can pay for studying, you will find plenty of places to study choreography. If you are not admitted at a big institution, you can also go private, doing workshops and learning on your own.

Take a look at those schools I recommended you. If there’s nothing there that fits your needs, write me back. I’ll give you some extra clues to search further.

Wishing that you will find your place,


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