How much does it cost to study contemporary dance?

by Ahmad

Hello, I am a dancer and I study dance in the 3th year. I would like to study more and more about dance and our country (Syria) is poor at contemporary dance so I want to ask if I can complete my studies after I finish and I wanted to know how much does it cost.

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Jun 25, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Ahmad,

Off course you can complement your studies in dance but that depends of the branch you which to follow. Do you want to be better as a dancer, do you want to gain experience as a choreographer, would you better like to specialize as a great teacher, do you want to continue with academic and theoretical research, show business production, dance marketing...?

And where would you like to study? There are many schools around the world that offer different programs, for different profiles and with different prices.

It is impossible for me to recommend you something in particular as I don't know what you wish to do. Still, if you want to study contemporary dance further, I recommend you to read the following thread:

Best schools of contemporary dance

We also have a directory, in which you can find a lot of schools around the world. It may help you to start defining your future path. Here's the link to the directory:

Contemporary dance schools world wide

You can also answer back in this same thread if you define your research better. Maybe then I can help you further.

All the best,


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