How does dance communicate and how is dance studied differently in different cultures?

Good Afternoon,

I am an American college student pursuing a Fulbright application, I have not however picked a country - my area of study though is studying how dance communicates and is studied differently in different cultures. I wanted to see if you had any suggests for programs I should look into.

I have looked at Roehampton and Laban in the UK and am currently looking at Den Danske Scene Kunst Skole in Copenhagen as well as the Hungarian Dance Academy in Budapest - do you have any other suggestions?

I will take any advice I can get,


Brittany Brooker

Comments for How does dance communicate and how is dance studied differently in different cultures?

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Aug 28, 2016
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Brittany,

I see you have two different questions:

1: How does dance communicate?

2: How is dance studied differently in different cultures?

Both questions need to be delimited to be possible objects of study. Yet, you may indeed do a very interesting work about such a topic.

To work over those kinds of questions, you need to attend a school that guides you through dance research. I’m not sure if the places you list in your message have that type of studying programs, but I know that the dance department of the University of Paris 8 has them. I can sincerely recommend you to consider that option, as I made my masters degree in dance there and I personally know that they are great teachers.

To go further with your topic of study, you may want to read the following chat located in our forum:

How to define a question for a dance research

Warm regards,


Aug 31, 2016
dance in different cultures
by: Anonymous

Hello. I am a dancer and teacher from Lebanon. I think that the question should rather be how does different types of dance communicate and taught. I would gladly help you understand how we teach modern, contemporary, classical, oriental and traditional dance in lebanon. I also took several dance classes in paris and amsterdam so I can possibly spot out some differences.

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