Dance school where I have possibilities to enter being 29

by Elena

Hello Maria!

I'm Elena, I live in Greece and I am a yoga teacher. For 12 years I practiced dance (jazz, ballet). The last 2 years I started to practice contemporary dance and I loved it! It also helps me a lot in my teaching and now I also teach yoga dance.

I decided to try and study contemporary dance (I do release technique and Cunningham also). Could you propose me some schools where I could study contemporary dance? (in Europe...) Considering that I am now 29, I don't want to be a professional dancer, nor even to go to the BEST contemporary school of dance. Simply, somewhere that I have some possibilities to enter.

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Aug 24, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Elena,

Some time ago, I recommended two places to another visitor of our website that had a similar question to yours. She was really more concerned about the price of the classes and I understand that your concern is to have a real possibility to be admitted. Though, I believe the places I suggested that time fit your needs as well, so I would recommend you to read my answer to that question at the following page:

Schools for someone with a non dance degree

Still, I believe you won't loose anything by doing some research in renowned and/or professional schools. Some of those places have open classes and you might find a place for you there. I suggested a list of those kind of schools in another thread, which I think you would like to read also. Here's the link:

Best schools of dance

I hope you find the right place for you.

Warm regards,


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