Contemporary dance classes or workshops in Colombia?

by Katrien


I was just visiting your website and I think you might be the right person to help me with my search. I am coming to Colombia for 1-2 months (february-march 2012). Until 3 years ago I was a (professional) dancer, but the last few years I have been doing other things in the cultural field. Now I really feel like starting again with dancing! Of course my level has gone down (unfortunately :-( ). I would really like to follow somewhere an intensive contemporary dancecourse for a few weeks/maybe months from quite a high level. Actually I just planned my visit to Colombia as a holiday, but now I am thinking I could as well use it as (part of) my dancetraining. So, my question you know a place in Colombia where this would be possible? Or where they do good-level workshops for a week or so? Or do you have any other suggestions? Always welcome!

Thanks a lot already for your help and advice!

Kind Regards,


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Nov 16, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Katrien,

The best city for taking open contemporary dance classes or workshops in Colombia is Bogotá (the capital city).

Though the offer is not really huge or wide in its approaches, you will find companies that propose open classes or workshops constantly.

The following is the link to visit our directory of contemporary dance companies. Just scroll down the page till you get to Colombia and you will find the list of options in Bogotá and in other cities as well:

Contemporary Dance Companies

As far as I know, "Danza Común" is the group that is the most active in programming this kind of things, but you might find options with almost all the companies. So, I would recommend you to visit their websites, or if they don't have one, look for them at Facebook. That way you will make your self an idea of their planning. You will also find their contact details to write or call them directly and ask.

There's also a place for this in Bogotá called "La casona de la danza". They only have a Facebook page for the moment, but you will find their programs or contact details there.

I also believe that once in Bogotá, you might find new options through the 'word of mouth' of the dancers or colleagues.

You will see in our directory of dace companies that there are alternatives in other cities of Colombia. You can try them as well, but the options in any other city than Bogotá will be poor.

I suggest you start with this first research and then, if you still need some help, just don't hesitate to answer back. I'll be here waiting to help you out.

Warm regards,


Jan 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thanks a lot, Maria!
I will start with the research that you recommended me and if I still have more questions, I will come back to you! Thanks a lot for your advice! Was really helpful!

Have a nice day!

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