What is dance production?

by Kujie

What is dance production?

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Nov 27, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Kujie,

Dance production is the activity of working out many needs of a dance piece that are not specifically artistic.

For example:

- Arranging working schedules.

- Making phone calls to coordinate the working team.

- Moving around to buy objects that make part of props on stage, or coordinating the building or arrangement of the set.

- Assuring water or meals during shows.

- Contacting theaters, transport, technical teams, etc.

- Doing administrative work like writing contracts, gathering required documents, paying.

- Deal or get permissions for use of public places, specific insurances, etc.

- Buying, carrying or supervising everything related to costumes.

- Contacting media like newspapers, TV shows, radio stations, etc.

Behind a dance show, there's a big amount of work that has nothing to do with the artistic construction itself. Depending on the size and complexity of the show, its production can be simple or even as laborious as the creation of the artistic piece itself.

So, being in charge of all those other tasks is what we call doing the dance production. When the production of a dance is big, the dance production team can be even divided into groups for specific purposes like the administrative, the logistic, the legal, the representative, the marketing and so forth.

I hope this answers your question.

Warm regards,


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