What does contemporary dance
look like?

by Mono
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

What does contemporary dance look like?

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look like?

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Aug 16, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Mono,

Visit our pages for dance videos and pictures and you will make your self one idea of how contemporary dance looks like.

Here are the links to them:

Contemporary dance videos

Contemporary dance pictures (first page of the gallery at contemporary-dance.org)

Contemporary dance pictures (second page of the gallery at contemporary-dance.org)

Contemporary dance pictures (third page of the gallery at contemporary-dance.org)

Though, it is important that you know that one of the main features of contemporary dance is that it does not have fixed forms, but it is in a constant search for new shapes and dynamics. So, the visual aspect of contemporary dance depends on each choreographer, dancer or group and their current projects.

Find one answer to your question watching our videos and pictures but remember that the possibilities of contemporary dance are endless!



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