The meaning of GESTURE for contemporary dance

by Shabari

Hello, I came across your website while looking for definitions of Gesture. I am looking at the differences between the understanding of gesture in Indian dance and contemporary dance. I studied at Laban, London.

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Sep 30, 2012
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Shabari,

I've been thinking about your question for several days and the only thing that has come across my mind is an article that could give you some thinking ideas. Unfortunately, it is in French. Still, here's the link to it, in case you can read french or you have someone who helps you translate it:

Le don du geste by Isabelle Launay

There are related readings in the bibliographic references of that article. Those may help you further.

Remember that there's also a handy and short definition of GESTURE in our website's glossary.

Warm regards,


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