Routine of a dancer

by Richa Soni

I live in Pune, India. I have decided to make my career in dance so I want myself to be fully dedicated towards it. I want to know how my routine should be, the diet and everything. I want to train my body as my classes would be starting next month.

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Jan 12, 2016
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Richa,

Dancers have different routines, depending on the type of dance they practice or the moment of their careers. However, some things are quite widespread:


1. Body preparation: this is something that varies depending on the type of dance you practice. Contemporary dancers usually do a hatha yoga routine or a soft technique routine that includes their very personal needs (like physiotherapeutic exercises or so).

2. Technique class: according to the type of dance, you will do the series of specific technical exercises, and some choreographic routines for training interpretation and cardio.

After lunch:

3. Creative session or rehearsal: this is the time for training improvisation or working on composition. Another goal of this part of the day is to rehears repertoires or works that are in progress.

Evenings (mainly weekends):

4. Performances: you need to save those days so that you can sleep enough, make a morning training and rest as much as you can before each performance.

Concerning the diet of a dancer, please read the following page I wrote here:

The dancer diet

I wish you a lot of fun with your dancing!

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