Percussive movement

by Solano

What is percussive movement?

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Sep 12, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Solano,

Usually, when we say that a movement is percussive, we are talking about its quality. It refers to a way of moving that is attacked and broken in opposition to what would be a fluid and soft movement.

If you execute a series of slow and connected movements in a fast way, leaving a pause between them, you might achieve a percussive quality. Accents at the end of movement are also distinctive of percussive movements.

To know more about movement qualities, you could browse over our page for dance terms. Scroll down looking for the definition of words like 'dynamics', 'effort', 'quality', 'legato', 'sustained' and
'percussive'... (Your word was added some months ago to our glossary after request from another visitor like you!)

Warm regards,


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