On music (for contemporary dance)

by Sunil Davis

Is there any problem if it contains some lyrics?

Like just some kind of words said to convey meaning?

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Sep 17, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Sunil,

Remember that a contemporary dance piece is an artistic creation. Therefore you are really free to do what you prefer, according to your idea and artistic intention.

There's no problem if the music has lyrics. It is your choice to decide if you wish to make lyrics part of your piece, whether if they will carry some kind of meaning supporting the choreographic content, or whether if they are an absurd text that make part of such an aesthetical proposal.

Lyrics and/or text are complementary elements of choreography, just like costumes, lightning, sets, props and so forth. They are there for you to play and arrange according to your aesthetical motivation.

There's an interesting example of the use of text as a background soundscape in our page for dance videos. You might like to look at it. Here’s the link for the page:

Dance videos

(Scroll down the page for the example of Jiri Kylian's work)

I hope this helps.

Warm regards,


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