Kurt Jooss and Mary Wigman

by Anonymous
(No location given)

Are Kurt Jooss and Mary Wigman similar in dance technique?

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Mar 23, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Hi there,

Kurt Joos and Mary Wigman share two important things:

1- They both believe that it is deep emotions that should give movement its shape.

2- They were both close students of Rudolph Laban and make use of his ideas about space.

Yet, they have opposite approaches concerning the use of ballet as a source for movement. Kurt Joos studies ballet and uses it till the point to be considered by historians that his technique is a fusion between ballet and Laban's ideas. On the other hand, Mary Wygman is completely opposed to the use of ballet, neither as a training method nor as a creative source.

Kurt Joos mixes representational and theatrical tools to create dance, while Mary Wigman develops a method for an 'absolute dance', which arises completely from inner impulses and/or feelings.

As far as their training technique concerns, you could affirm that they are different. However, as they are modern dancers, it is important to consider the eclecticism of their educational and creative process, in which you can definitely find expressionists and/or modern features as a common point.

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