How to turn a theme into choreography

by Taliyah

I need help figuring out dance ideas for 4 people relating it to a toxic relationship/friendship?

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Nov 23, 2018
How to turn a theme into choreography
by: Maria

Dear Taliyah,

There are many ways to turn a theme into choreography. It is actually up to your imagination. Here are some starting ideas:

- Represent the situation with movement

- Define related words or concepts, and create movement inspired by those

- Write the words that describe the topic with the body

- Create different definitions of the same topic and apply the strategies above

- Think of the different phases or moments of the theme and work over those separately as derived topics

Apply those ideas to solos, duos, or groups. Play with composition tools, like timings, space distribution, bodily emphasis. Mix it all together. Put it all apart. Put one thing after another. Organize your choreography.

Put it in practice and you’ll see. The practice itself will teach you.

; )

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