How to make choreography
more professional

by Elle


I'm doing a school project where I have to make my own music video.
I've finished creating the song and I have the music. All I need to do is record it.
One more thing that is very important to the video is the dancing.
Since the song I have written is about dancing and is really fast and upbeat, I need a choreography to match.
I've done choreography before but I want to make this one more professional.
Do you have any ideas of how I could do this?
Thank you :)

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more professional

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Mar 14, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Elle,

I believe there are certain things you might consider to make choreography more professional:

1. Originality: try to do something that arises from your personality and avoid copying other artists. It is true that we are always recreating things we've learnt from others, but there's also something unique in every human been. If you find that thing that's unique in your self, you'll give the original touch to your work.

2. Technical virtuosity: execute your dance in an impeccable way: no mistakes, no doubting, and perfect match with music (if that is a feature of your piece). Try to include the most difficult things you can dance.

3. Expressivity: this is the higher level of technical virtuosity. After you have the domain of your bodily skills, you need to pay attention of what you are transmitting. What do you make the audience feel? How are you projecting your presence on stage and what is the energy coming out of you?

Those are three features of dance that are difficult to achieve in high levels. The further you reach, the more professional it could be considered.

In case you haven't done this yet, you can also read our special pages about choreography. That might broaden your understanding and give you new ideas:

Dance composition

Movement dramaturgy


I hope this answers your question and I wish you achieve a great music video!


Mar 24, 2012
Thank you! :)
by: Elle

Thank you your advice really helped :)

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