Good dance literature

by Anna

Hello, Maria.

I'm writing a dissertation on the performativity concept, planning to include one chapter connected with contemporary dance. I would be very grateful if you could help me find good literature items on this theme. Can you please mail me the list of books, which, according to your opinion, can give deep theoretical overview or/and just well-written books about contemporary dance. It'll help me a lot, because I have some problems with finding literature.



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Dec 19, 2011
Answer from Maria to Good Dance Literature
by: Maria

Dear Anna,

There are two publishing houses that you can trust. Their books are usually of great quality.

The first one I would recommend you is CONTREDANSE. Their literature is written in French mainly, but some of their books have been translated to English as well.

For general information about contemporary dance, read the two works by Laurence Louppe. The title is "Poetics of Contemporary Dance" (Poétique de la danse contemporaine). You will find them at their store through the following link:


There's also the Wesleyan University Press, where you will find literature in English. Again, you will get general writings about contemporary dance in Sally Banes' books. I suggest you try "Terpsichore in Sneakers" and "Writing Dancing in the Age of Postmodernism". Here's the link to their store:

Wesleyan University Press/Dance Books

In both editorial houses, you will find a list of other great books about contemporary dance. Browse over their descriptions and abstracts, because you might find something more specific about your working topic. The good thing about them is that the writings are really serious and of good quality. Some of their works are also available at the Amazon store, as an alternative for any buying issue you have.

Luckily, you will find the books at your local library or through a scholar exchange.

I hope this helps with your research. Don't hesitate to reply back or participate at contemporary-dance in any other way.

Warm regards,


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