Does run any sort of workshops?

by Rohit Singh

well mam I wanted to ask you if your organization runs any sort of workshops in India; it would be a pleasure to learn from your organisation...

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Jul 03, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Rohit,

For the moment, is a website only. All the information and teachings are provided through the website, in a digital form.

In case the situation changes and I decide to give workshops somewhere in the world, I will send the news through our e-zine (THE DANCE THINKER) and will announce it at our blogand our section for dance news.

Subscribe to our e-zine if you haven't done yet (it is free and you can do it easily by filling the small form at the right column in the main pages) and come back frequently so that you're always updated and don't miss any of the upcoming news.

All the best,


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