Do I need any formal dance training to become a professional?

by Jane


I want to ask if I need any full time formal dance training to become a professional or can I just take part time classes instead. Also how can I convince my parents to let me try a dance career? They think that a dance career is for rich people only. Do I have to be in a company or can I be independent dancer?

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Jun 13, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Jane,

Unless you are extremely talented and disciplined to arrange your personal dance training, you do need a formal training to become a dance professional.

You can take part time classes, but please watch the professional dancing field to see the levels you'd need to achieve.

If you already have a dance teacher, I guess that this person could have a conversation with your parents and explain them how he or she manages to survive out of dance.

A dance career is for rich people only, in POOR or UNDERDEVELOPED countries. In Australia, I believe you can indeed have a medium class life level with this profession.

Being in a company or an independent dancer depends on your local context or personal opportunities. They are both good options and you may alternate or combine them during your dancing career.

Please remember and reread the following threads to widen your understanding:

Can you make a living as a dancer?

Jobs around dance

Warm regards,


Jun 20, 2012
Thank you
by: jane

Hi thank you for answering my question I have for a formal dance training in Auatralia I can apply for.

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