Dance choreography for a show

by Tanya
(Merseyside England)

What dance choreography can I use for a show I am planning to do with my guide group. I am only a young leader and I am not sure what choreography I can do???! I could really do with some helps x x

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Jan 04, 2012
Answer from Maria to Dance choreography for a show
by: Maria

Dear Tanya,

I'm asking my self some questions here, because you didn't leave me much information to work on your answer. I believe that if you ask your self those questions you might start defining the choreography you will use:

-What type of dance are you practicing with your group?

-What music do you want to dance to?

-What is the occasion of the show?

-Who is your audience (what age, why are they coming to see the show...)?

-How long should the choreography last?

-Are you planning to create an original dance or do you want to copy one that already exists?

The ideal thing would be that you and your group create your own choreography. Some people think that this is more difficult but depending on the moves you choose it might be quite the opposite.

If you decide to create and you don't have a lot of experience, you might want to start by choosing a musical piece that fits the characteristics of the show and compose the dance leaning on the musical structure, rhythm and dynamics.

If you feel that this is too difficult for your dancing experience, then search for dancing videos and copy something that fits your dancers’ skills. There are some difficult issues if you choose this option, like finding the exact same music of the video or being able to dance what's in the video (sometimes it is more difficult that it seems).

You can also combine those both options, like for example choosing your own music and then using moves that you find in videos, in a kind of 'copy-paste' mode... ;-)! There’s nothing wrong with that and it is an easy way to compose dance.

We have several useful pages at our website that are special for dance composition. Below you will find the links to go and explore them in case you want to expand your dance composition knowledge or thoughts:

Dance Composition

Movement Dramaturgy


Contemporary Dance Music

I hope this helps you out. Don't hesitate to answer back if you still need a hand.

Good luck with your show!

Warm regards,


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