Compose a dance to
Show Me How You Burlesque from Christina Aguilera

by Anonymous
(No location given)

I have less than 12 hours to compose a dance to Show Me How You Burlesque from Christina Aguilera and I don't know all of the choreography from the movie.

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Show Me How You Burlesque from Christina Aguilera

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Mar 13, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Hi there!

Twelve hours is really a short time to work on a dance composition... (I guess even this answer might not come in time... sorry for that). But, have you considered the possibility of improvising?

Not all dancers are comfortable with that because you know improvising is a skill that needs to be studied and cultivated. However, it might be a way to solve the situation, for the moment.

Another trick is to grab ideas from already existing choreographies and do a 'copy – paste' work. It might no be the most suitable method for some people, but this is a special case... of being in a great hurry.

Have you already tried getting ideas from things like these?:

In case you want to do something closer to the contemporary dance style, we also have a page with selected dance videos that could give you some inspiration:

Dance videos

For other occasions, remember that we have special pages with helpful readings for choreographers:

Dance composition


Movement Dramaturgy

I hope this helps, at least for your choreographies to come!


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