Choreography inspired in the movement of kites

by Anonymous
(No location given)

I’m struggling with my choreography in AS dance which is about kites and how they move. I could really do with some more ideas that could help me develop my dance and express the theme of it more, would be a big help!

Comments for Choreography inspired in the movement of kites

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Dec 15, 2012
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Hi there!

I think you have a great subject for inspiration. You could observe the kite's movement considering common issues that we use to think about dance (like space, time or dynamics) and then convert them to construct your choreography. Here's an example:


Kites draw different paths, depending on the air circumstances and the tension and control they get from their holders:

- Repeated and continuous small curves

- Huge curves

- Straight long paths (for example when they crash down)

- Staying and keeping balance at one place


The speed of the kites also varies according to what's happening with the air and the path they are drawing:

- Slow and steady when they are very high

- Extremely fast if they are falling

- In a progression from slow to fast when they are caught between wind streams and start going up and down


Kites seem to maintain a light quality of movement, except when falling down. They have an erratic and unpredictable rhythm, except when they are very high and keep balance for long periods. They also seem to have both a controlled and uncontrolled flow of movement, depending on if they're in the middle of turbulent winds or not; and concerning space, when the kite is unstable, it occupies space in an indirect and erratic way, but when it stabilizes, it seems to occupy space in a very defined and direct way.

There's also a detail that comes to my mind that you could use as an excuse for movements of some of your limbs or the organization of your whole body. Kites usually have tales (one or several) which have a contrasting type of movement with the rest of their structure... like hands, feet, legs or arms... that move differently from the rest of the body?

Now that depends on the type of kite you're thinking of... ;--) !!

If I were you, I'd look for videos about kites in Youtube; I believe you'll find more there.

And I hope my ideas give you a hand.

Warm regards,


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