Advice to become a better dancer...feeling like a failure

by Marina Einstein
(Los Angeles, California )

Hello my name is Marina Einstein. I'm 15 years old and I dance 18 to 26 hours a week. I'm a good dancer but I dream to amazing like Tate McRae, Payton Johnson, Lucy Vallely, and so many more. I feel like a failure for I work soooooo HARD in my classes and talking to teachers after class on what I can work on. People have told me that I'm the most hard working person they met. My notes on my phone are filled with corrections and I have journals filled with them. But I haven't been improving to the amount of hard work I put into dance. It drives me crazy because I used to be a bad dancer 2 years ago and I had one realization and it shaped my thinking and training into becoming a good dancer but ever since then I feel my growth has been stagent and I feel like I'm expecting another crazy realization so I get much better again. Any advice?

Also I have a horrible memory. I'm ona competition team and whenever we rehearse or preform I'm always the one that messes up (staging, timing, and forgetting chreo) I practice my dances a lot so I was thinking maybe it's a mental thing or the way I practice?

Also I'm such a slow learner when it comes to everything and choreo. I'm always the last person to understand direction. I hate it. Any advice for this as well?

I feel stuck into the life of always being JUST a good/average dancer I try so hard for I WANT more than this life and I want to be AMAZING AND STUNNING, please help me.

I feel like AMAZING dancer's just start off amazing because that's the way their bodies naturally moves. I have never heard of an AMAZING dancer who started off okay/bad and became amazing starts!
- Marina Einstein

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Jun 29, 2018
Marina, enjoy your dancing time
by: Maria

Dear Marina,

For the way you write, I'm sure you are giving the best out of you to be a great dancer.

My advice to you is to try to relax and put your focus also in ENJOYING. It is nice to be succesful, but success is something temporary. Yet, the process of becoming and being a dancer is never-ending.

It is important to try hard, but it is better yet to enjoy every moment of your dancing path, including your mistakes and memory failures.

Keep working hard and you'll see that moments of success will arrive sooner or later. And they will vanish as fast as they come.

Enjoy the privilege of dancing every day. And be patient.

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