What type / genre of music is used for contemporary dance?

by Chiara
(Woodbrigde, Ont, Canada)

What type / genre of music is used for contemporary dance?

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Dec 15, 2011
Answer from Maria to What type/genre of music is used for contemporary dance?
by: Maria

Dear Chiara,

Contemporary dance is an artistic activity that does not have strict boundaries. It is produced worldwide by different kind of people with really diverse aesthetical projects.

Among its diversity, contemporary dance allows you to dance to any music you like, or even in the silence. This is a dance genre that is not dependant on music, like the majority of other dance genres.

I suggest you browse over some examples at our page for contemporary dance videos. I think that will help you understand. Here’s the link to that page:

Contemporary Dance Videos

There’s also a related thread started some months ago by Sunil, from India. You might want to read it, to complement this answer:

On music (for contemporary dance)

And, if you really want to expand on the subject, we have a special page for contemporary dance music. This will really widen your understanding of how contemporary dance choreographers choose or create their music. Follow this link to visit and read the page:

Contemporary Dance Music

Warm regards,


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