Modern dancers

by Cierra

Can you tell me some people that do modern dance ?

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Mar 05, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Cierra,

As you might know, there are many styles of modern dance and modern dancers exist since the beginning of the XXth century.

If you are looking for historical information, you will find a good list of modern dance figures in our special page about modern dance history:

Modern dance history

Now, if what you want to know is people that practice modern dance styles nowadays, you can search for them in the web, using our page about modern dance history as a guide. You will see that there are companies and institutions like the Isadora Duncan Foundation, The Alvin Ailey Dance Company and many others like those.

Contemporary dance is also called modern dance by some people. Therefore, you might want to browse through our page for contemporary dance history as well:

Contemporary dance history

Your question doesn't let me know why you are in the search for modern dancers, but just in case, you can also look into our directory for dance companies and dance schools. It is very common that contemporary dance schools offer classes of different styles of modern dance. Also, some of the companies listed in our directory are truly about modern dance and not contemporary dance. So, here are the links:

Contemporary dance schools

Contemporary dance companies

I hope this is enough. However, don't hesitate to reply in this same thread if you need help to find more specific information. I'll be glad to help you out.

Warm regards,


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