Is the hand stand part of the contemporary dance technique ?

by Vanessa
(Queensland, Australia)

I am in year 10 at high school and have been trained in ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary and hip hop since I was 3 years of age. My dance teacher refuses to give me an A for my assessment because I cannot do a handstand. I am not a gymnast, I am a dancer. Is this part of the Contemporary dance technique?

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Mar 18, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Vanessa

Contemporary dance does not have strict boundaries concerning what would make up its training or specific technique. There are actually different ways of preparing a contemporary dancer's body and that depends on the specific aesthetical project you aim to dance.

We have a special page for this topic that I recommend you to read:

Contemporary dance techniques

However, I would not give so much importance to the grade you r teacher gives you. If that is significant because there's something essential in your life that depends on that grade, I can understand your disappointment. Still, you can always explain that to your teacher too.

If that is not the case, remember that what your teacher thinks of your performance is like what a real audience might think of it. As performers, we have to accept that we will never please the whole audience. Each person has different expectations and ways of perceiving shows and there will always be positive and negative reactions towards your performances.

Remember that the most important opinion is the one you have from your self and how you did it. You are the only one who understands the whole process and how it went during a show.

Warm regards,


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