Contemporary (how does contemporary dance help me?)

by Diana González

How does contemporary dance help me?

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Aug 24, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Diana,

I will assume that you are a dancer to say that the practice of contemporary dance might help you in several ways like:

- Contemporary dance might teach you new and different ways to move, which will widen your choreographic vocabulary and possibilities as a dancer or choreographer.

- Contemporary dance might give you technical alternatives to gain new physical skills or to improve what you already know.

- Contemporary dance might open your mind and spirit to new ways of understanding your own body and the one of others. This might also show you new ways of relationships (towards others and towards yourself as well).

- Contemporary dance might show you new ways of expression or work in interdisciplinary ways, by its tendency to make fusions with other arts or dance types.

That is just to name some things...

Now, if you are not a dancer, and as I don't know what the needs of your life are, I would say:

Contemporary dance might be the way to achieve the realization of your self. Just in case that you haven't yet thought much about what that is, it means something greater than being just happy or happier. That means freedom, joy, satisfaction, health, vitality, force, enthusiasm and quite a few more things like those together and mixed...



That is how contemporary dance can help you.



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