Contemporary dance
boarding school.

by Logan
(No location given)

Hi! My name is Logan and I am 15 years old. I was wondering if you know some contemporary dance boarding schools that I can go to?

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boarding school.

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May 03, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Logan,

I guess my answer depends on where you live or if you can and want to go living abroad.

I remember that the Conservatory for Music and Dance in Paris (CNSMDP) has lodging possibilities, as well as the Institute for Superior Studies in Arts (Instituto Superior de Artes) in the Havana, Cuba.

I know those institutions personally and that's why I mention them first. Though, as I don't know where in the world you are or what you have access to, it is difficult for me to give you further advice.

I would suggest you browse over our page for contemporary dance schools and if you find a place that may fit your possibilities, write them directly and ask.

Think of considering the distance of the place from your home, the language, the cost of living and the conditions of admission for the school you choose.

I wish you find a great place. Attending a boarding school is really a fantastic way to concentrate on dance studies.

Best wishes,


May 27, 2011
Boarding school for Contemporary dance
by: deborah brockus

Brockus Conservatory is a new boarding arts high school in Southern California that offers well rounded dance training. You will be trained in modern styles and both American and European contemporary. Ballet, jazz, theater dance and tap are also in the program, as is choreography classes, dance history, conditioning and anatomy.

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