Choreography blank

by Fiona

For my dance assessment I have to choreograph and perform a contemporary solo and I'm stuck!

I'm dancing to 'Haunted' by Taylor Swift. I can normally continue choreographing once I know how to start, but that's the problem- I can't start it.

Can you please help me find some basic contemporary choreography?

I'm only in year 10 and I've had little to no contemporary experience, but I need to do well in this assessment!

Thank you so much!


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Sep 27, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Fiona,

After listening to your song, I thought that you could enter the scenic space by mixing fast traveling and jumps that coincide with the strong accents of the guitar. I mean that you would be like 'outside' the dancing space and when the music starts you come in. You could run and jump, roll and jump, run and slide or anything that creates a strong mood, to introduce your dance. If you feel that the musical part is too long for that, you can repeat the choreographic phrase to different directions or create other phrases with new paths and jumps...

Then, when the lyrics start, you could choose a reduced spot in space and dance for a while there, now without traveling in space. Dynamics in music change for this part and you could do so with your dance as well. Profit the softer feeling to start moving just your limbs in a fluid way, for example...

This two different uses of space and dynamics should build a good start.

Try the idea and let me know if it fits you. Don't hesitate to answer back through this same thread if it is not enough. I'll think of more possibilities.

And maybe... you might like to watch some videos. That could inspire you some ideas too. We have a page for that:

Contemporary dance videos

Warm regards,


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