Balance and flat feet for contemporary dance

by Emerald
(Fort Lauderdale , FL)

I don't have an arch, or in other words I'm flat-footed. The foot doctor may be able to do something, but I'm not so sure there is anything he can do. I've heard that if you don't have an arch in your feet, you don't have good balance which would make it difficult to dance. Is this true and would that mean I wouldn't do so good dancing? I'm 18 years old and I would love to take contemporary dance lessons, but I worry about the fact that I don't have an arch like most of the dancers I see.

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Aug 01, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Emerald,

You should not worry because of your flat feet. As far as it concerns contemporary dance, everybody can dance. Having something particular in your body is seen as a challenge to find your own way of movement and creativity.

Have you ever seen the famous group DV8-Physical Theater, which has created some fantastic dance films with a dancer who has no legs? Search for it at you tube and you will see how broadly open minded contemporary dance is.

You might find balance difficult indeed, but don't worry; people with an arch find balance difficult as well!!! In dance, the technical skills arise from an understanding of your own body, no matter what body you have. If you practice enough, you should find your way to balance, because there are a lot of other things involved in that, like the force of your legs, the distribution of weight, the relaxation of your upper body, the right breathing and so forth... . It is not just a matter of flat or arched feet.

The doctor can help you with special exercises to develop your arch or strengthen your feet. But, you might find that his recommendation is to take dance classes! What I mean by this is that practicing dance can develop the arch of your feet, but that would take a good time, frequent practice and persistence.

So, again, don't worry about that. If you love dancing (as we do), just join us. Your flat feet will not avoid the practice to give you the happiness and vitality you will feel. Give it a try and you will see!

Warm regards and happy dancing.


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