A technique that can help people release stress

by Belinda Lee

Hi Maria, I am Belinda from Singapore. I chanced upon your website while searching for Release Technique workshops available in Asia. I can see from your website that you have experience in Release Technique which I'm very interested in. I've done different types of dance but what I am really looking for is a technique that can help people release their emotional stress like depression and anxiety disorder. I heard that Release Technique might be able to help. Therefore, I am very interested to find out if I can either learn from you or if you have any recommendations to help me get started? I look forward to hearing from you soon Maria! Take care!

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Aug 11, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Belinda,

I'm not teaching courses about dance techniques currently, but I plan to publish some pages with instructional videos in a near future.

I believe that all corporal practices that are considered as part of the ‘somatic paradigm’ of dance can teach to release stress, depression, anxieties and so forth (examples of those methods would be: BMC, Feldenkrais, Alexander, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Ideokinesis, Eutony, Yoga and the Release Dance Technique).

While I provide more information about the whole subject at contemporary-dance.org, I think you could make use of our page about basic yoga. I am a hatha-yoga practitioner my self and I can assure from my own experience that its regular practice (in the classical way, which is to learn to manage your mind through the mastery of breath and relaxation) is an effective method to release stress and its consequences.

Here's the link to that page:

Go to the page about basic yoga

For taking courses about the release dance technique, you could browse over the schedules of the Skinner Releasing Institute. I believe they visit Asia from time to time; at least it is sure that they would go somewhere close to you.

Here's the link to the Skinner Releasing Institute:

Skinner Releasing Institute

Now, remember that there is another ‘Release Technique’ that is different from the so called ‘Release Technique’ in the field of dance. So be attentive to avoid confusing our dancing method with the one that consists of a self help program, developed by Lester Levenson since 1952.

I hope this gives you some guidelines to go on with your research. Don’t hesitate to write back if you have more questions about the subject. I'll always be here to help you out!

Warm regards,


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