How does Contemporary Dance affect societies?

by Amy
(No location given)

I have a school project, and would be appreciative if you could answer the following:

-What type of people take part in Contemporary Dance?

-How does Contemporary Dance affect societies?

Thanks :)

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Apr 12, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Amy,

Your first question has already been asked in another place of our forum. Please read my answer to it, which you will find through the following link:

General info about contemporary dance

I guess you know that your second question is a BIG question... However, we have several chats in the forum that will help you construct a good answer for it.

First of all, I guess you'd need to say that contemporary dance affects societies in the same way as the rest of the arts, sciences and/or religions. Contemporary dance has the power to transform culture through the knowledge and consciousness it produces, in a dialectic process of transforming and being transformed. It is also a creator of sense for life.

How does it happen? It occurs while and through the social processes that contemporary dance sets up, like performances, teaching-learning, researching, criticism, discussing and so forth.

The following are some related threads that can help you complement and broaden your understanding of the topic:

The purpose of contemporary dance

The function of contemporary dance

The role of society in the evolution of modern and contemporary dance

How does contemporary dance help me?

I hope this helps!

Best wishes,


Apr 14, 2012
by: Amy

Thank you Maria, that's really helpful :)

Thanks again,


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